Dr Chamara Basnayake

Dr Chamara Basnayake is a Melbourne trained academic Gastroenterologist at St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne and is a Senior Lecturer and Senior Fellow at the University of Melbourne. He completed his PhD in the multidisciplinary treatment of functional gut disorders at the University of Melbourne with Professor Michael Kamm and undertook research fellowship at the translational research in gastrointestinal disorders unit at KU Leuven in oesophageal dysmotility with Professor Jan Tack. Chamara runs the oesophageal physiology laboratory and the multidisciplinary functional gut disorders clinic at St Vincent's Hospital. Chamara attends the IBD clinic at St Vincent's, where he conducts research in models of care. He is a co-supervisor for a PhD in FMT in Crohn’s disease. Chamara's research interests are, functional gut disorders, oesophageal motility disorders, in microbiota in inflammatory bowel disease and eosinophilic oesophagitis. Chamara has awards for the best abstract for treatment of IBS at European Gastroenterology week (2019) and won the Ray Clouse Award in 2021 for the world’s best research publication in functional gut disorders awarded by The Rome Foundation and the won the TJ Martin award for the best PhD thesis at St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne in 2022.