Capsule Endoscopy Workshop Program

GESA’s Capsule Endoscopy Workshop 2024 is targeted at physicians and surgeons recognised by the CCRTGE in endoscopy who:

  • Are commencing the practice of capsule endoscopy or,
  • Experienced users who have not previously attended a capsule endoscopy course and,
  • Advanced trainees learning the practice of capsule endoscopy.

The major objective is to understand the indications for and practice of capsule endoscopy including equipment,
software, reading and recognising normal and abnormal findings including advice on appropriate further investigation
and management. 

Date: Friday 13 September 2024
Time: 18:30 - 21:30 (Dinner will be provided)
Venue: Adelaide Convention Centre, South Australia
Convenor: A/Prof Robert Feller
Faculty: A/Prof Ashley Miller and Dr Lauren Beswick

Friday Sept 13 Program

Time Topic Faculty
18:15 Registration & Refreshments
18:30 Welcome Robert Feller
18:35 SBCE - The Basics Robert Feller
18:50 Normal Variants Ashley Miller
19:00 Suspected SB Bleeding Robert Feller
19:20 Video Clips Ashley Miller + Lauren Beswick
19:30 Dinner + Hands-On Session
20:15 Inflammatory Disease Lauren Beswick
20:35 Polyps + Tumours Robert Feller
20:50 MCQs Lauren Beswick
21:00 Case Discussion / Video Clips All Faculty
21:20 Discussion
21:30 Workshop Concludes