Claire Reilly

Claire Reilly is the Gastroenterology Support Clinical Nurse at Royal Children’s Hospital in Brisbane. In this role, she is a support nurse for paediatric patients and their families with Inflammatory Bowel Disease(IBD) and also Home Parenteral Nutrition Patients. She provides education and support to the patients and their families on diagnosis and ongoing supporand information. I work with other IBD nurses to assist the patients in transition from paediatric to adult services. She graduated from Bachelor of Nursing (Queensland University of Technology) in 1999. Since graduation, she has always worked in paediatrics. She worked in the Infectious Diseases / medical ward and in Infection Control until starting in the Gastroenterology Unit in 2009. She started in the unit as award nurse, assisting with scopes and recovering patients from anaesthetic. She became the Gastroenterology Support Clinical Nurse in October 2012 and is thoroughly enjoying this role and the challenges that come with it.