James O'Beirne

Professor O'Beirne is a Consultant Hepatologist at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital, Queensland, Australia. He trained in Hepatology and Liver Transplantation at King’s College Hospital, London where he spent 4 years working on the Liver Intensive Care Unit. After undertaking a period of Doctoral research exploring the immune aspects of liver cancer he completed his training at the Royal Free Hospital, London where he was appointed as a Consultant Transplant Hepatologist in 2007. Prof. O’Beirne located to Australia in 2017 to develop the hepatology service at the newly built Sunshine Coast University Hospital. Prof. O’Beirne has particular clinical and research interests in hepatocellularcarcinoma and portal hypertension. In Australia he is active in commercial and investigator led clinical studies. He is a member of the GESA liver faculty and is hepatology editor for the IMJ and Associate editor for Frontline Gastroenterology.