Jane Andrews

Jane has a long career in clinical gastroenterology, earning her FRACP in Dec 1994. She has research interests in IBD, Functional GI Disorders, Quality of Care, new care models and care outcomes, with recent endeavours branching more into digital health delivery for endoscopy. general surgery and even for PreHab for various elective surgery pathways. She has worked at several hospitals within Australia (NSW and SA) and completed part of her Gastroenterology training in Oxford, UK. She has experience in resource allocation and service design at both research and practical levels. She is one of the original design & build team behind CCCare - Crohn's Colitis Cure's (CCC) IBD-specific clinical management software. Jane is the current Board Chair of CCC, which is an IBD-focussed Charity aiming to optimise care now and be instrumental in cure for people with IBD. Jane was previously a long serving member on the Board of the Gastroenterological Society of Australia, and has been heavily involved over several years in consulting work for various Pharma, with proceeds going to either CALHN-based or CCC-based research work. She is the author of ~300 papers and has successfully supervised several PhD, Masters and Honours students, many of whom have gone on to become impressive clinical researchers in their own right. She has been the grateful recipient of >$5M in PI grant funding and ran the IBD clinical trials at RAH for several years. She is a previous Head of IBD and Head of Department for the RAH Gastroenterology Service, and is currently the Medical Lead of the Gastroenterology, General and GI Surgery Services for Central Adelaide Local Healthcare Network, and continues to work in clinical Gastroenterology with an IBD focus. She has been supported through her professional and personal life by her wonderful husband David Barker (of 35 years), her parents Molly and Tony (deceased 2019) and her three precious children, Oliver, Jessica and Tony and their partners Hannah, Chris and Paloma - along with an amazing group of friends, collaborators, staff, consumers, volunteers, colleagues and trainees.