Dr Jonathan Hind

Jonathan is a paediatric hepatologist at Queensland Children’s Hospital, Brisbane and King’s College Hospital, London. He developed the intestinal rehabilitation and transplant service at King’s, having gained experience in Birmingham, UK and Pittsburgh; and linking with Great Ormond Street Hospital, London. He was also clinical director of the Children’s Hospital at King’s. Developing further, Jonathan has recently taken on a hepatology and intestinal rehabilitation role in Queensland Children’s Hospital. Interest in technology and new ways of working led Jonathan to develop a remote monitoring solution in conjunction with his intestinal failure and transplant patients, many of whom live far from their tertiary health centre. This technology is now used in community health research.

Jonathan has a leadership role internationally as the President of the International Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplant Association. Together with others in the society he worked on development of the association’s journal Intestinal Failure. As IIRTA President, Jonathan leads physicians, surgeons and allied health professionals working in the field and advocates for equitable access to knowledge and services for patients with intestinal failure around the world.

Consultant in Paediatric Hepatology and Intestinal Rehabilitation
King’s College Hospital
Queensland Children’s Hospital

President: International Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplant Association
ESPGHAN: European Intestinal Transplant Network member and ESPGHAN mentor
BSPGHAN: Nutrition and Intestinal Failure Working Group