Lauren White

Dr Lauren White is a Gastroenterologist and IBD Specialist working on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland.  She completed her MBBS in 2010 and was awarded her FRACP in 2019. Her speciality training in Gastroenterology was completed in South East Queensland and included her fellowship in Inflammatory Bowel Disease at the Royal Brisbane Women's Hospital. This was coupled with travel to Milan, Italy to complete Intestinal Ultrasound (IUS) training. Lauren was awarded a Master of Philosophy in 2021 for her work in Intestinal Ultrasound in the Australian Model of Inflammatory Bowel Disease care. She is a senior medical officer and leads the IBD clinical trials department at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital. Lauren is a strong advocate for the role of IUS in IBD patient management and passionate about increasing understanding, acceptance and training opportunities for IUS.  She has held a board position at GENIUS for the last four years and is a current education committee member of IBUS.