Vera Meeusen

Vera Meeusen is a Clinical Nurse Consultant of the Endoscopy Unit. She started as Nurse Anaesthetist working in The Netherlands. After obtaining her degree as Master of Arts in HealthCare at the University of Amsterdam she continued her career as a manager in the perianaes thesia settings. Vera’s PhD in Medicine research focused on workload, job satisfaction, personality profiles of nurse anaesthetists and the history of nursean aesthetists in Europe. She has presented at national and international conferences and published multiple articles in peer reviewed journals and book chapters. Currently, Vera’s research focuses on environmental sustainability, sedation, patient positioning, delirium, and internationally, scope of practice of nurse anaesthetists. Professional activities include. Executive Board member of the International Federation of Nurse Anaesthetist (IFNA), President of ACPAN and Vice president of the Gastroenterology Nurses College of Australia(GENCA). She is also the chair of the organising committee of the upcoming World Congress for Nurse anaesthetists or as we like to call it in Australia World Congress for Nurses in Anaesthesia.