Dr Victoria Cock

Dr Victoria Cock (MBChB, FAChAM(RACP) , Dip HIV Med (CMSA)) Addiction Medicine Specialist Physician Dr Victoria Cock graduated from the University of Cape Town in 1998 and spent the first years working as a Family Medicine practitioner in marginalised communities in peri urban South African settings. The focus and particular areas of interest of her work were the provision of care and treatment, for those affected by HIV/AIDS in these communities. Vicky immigrated to Australia in 2008 and undertook physicians training (RACP) and advanced training in Addiction Medicine. Currently Vicky is a consultant Addiction medicine Specialist and the Clinical Director for DASSA. She has an interest in the management of medical co-morbidities associated with substance use. In particular alcohol related liver disease and the provision of hepatitis C care to marginalised population groups – with a focus on current IV drug users. She is a firm advocate for the principles of harm reduction across the speciality and the reduction of all forms of stigma directed at those who chose to use substances. She is also a keen teacher, educator and researcher.