Robert P. Anderson

Dr Bob Anderson is current President of the ISSCD. Bob is a gastroenterologist and immunologist with over 25 years' experience in discovery, development and commercialization of diagnostics and therapeutics for celiac disease. Bob is originally from New Zealand but has held senior academic, clinical and executive commercial roles in Australia, USA and UK. He now lives in Australia where he combines clinical practice with leading diagnostics development for coeliac disease as President and Co-founder of Novoviah Pharmaceuticals. Bob specialises in translational immunology. He pioneered development of antigen-specific immunotherapy for celiac disease and led the Nexvax2 program from conception to Phase 2b clinical development. More recently he has led the discovery and development of IL-2 as a biomarker for acute reactions to gluten and for ultrasensitive gluten-specific T cell detection in whole blood. Bob holds medical degrees and a PhD from Otago University in New Zealand, he completed specialist medical training at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and was a post-doctoral scientist at Oxford University before establishing the celiac disease research programme as Lab Head at Walter & Eliza Hall Inst. Bob has co-founded and served in executive roles in three biotechnology companies in Australia and USA. Bob is also Principal Science & Innovation Advisor to the Celiac Disease Foundation (USA).